

The math curriculum is coordinated with the science curriculum to teach the necessary math skills required for Physics and Chemistry.

十大彩票平台's math program prepares students for success in college math classes by providing them with a strong foundation in mathematics, developing and refining students' critical thinking skills through reasoning, 解决问题, 以及口头和书面的数学概念交流.

所有学生都使用图形计算器(T1-84 Plus), and instruction is supplemented by the use of interactive white boards in all classes. Student laptops provide individual access to a variety of software that supports instruction. Electronic notebooks allow teachers to view and comment upon student notes and written assignments.

部门要求: 3年,第四年学习数学或科学. Students may also choose to take two math electives senior year.




数学系主任: 考特尼堆


Includes electives, though not all elective courses are offered each year or trimester. Students may also enroll in additional math electives and AP's offered through 十大彩票平台's membership in the 女子网上学校.